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Founder's note

My mother is an amazing woman. Warm, bright, and full of resilience, she has always faced every challenge with strength and grace. My younger sister, Dorothea, is the beloved youngest member of our family, yet she has also brought immense challenges into my mother’s life. Dorothea's presence changed everything for my mother. A woman once full of passion, talent, and leadership, my mother set aside her own ambitions to dedicate her life to caring for Dorothea.

Being a parent to a child with developmental disabilities is challenging. Often, these children aren’t able to fully express their appreciation for the sacrifices made on their behalf. My mother poured herself into this role with unconditional love, not for praise or recognition, but simply because that’s who she is.

I believe all parents share this selfless drive to support and uplift their children. Parents give so much of themselves, often without being thanked or acknowledged. Rothea was created to honor this dedication and remind parents that, just as they lovingly care for their children, they too deserve to be cared for. Born from love, Rothea was made for you.